Elzly Technology Corporation is a small business providing technical consulting services to address material and infrastructure preservation and sustainment. Our team has hands-on experience in RDT&E, Program Management, Specifications, Training, and Contractor / Applicator services related to corrosion control. Current services include technologies related to corrosion control, environmentally-acceptable material selection, and reliability and maintainability analytics for economic and sustainable practices. Our experience includes the development of technical reports, research and development, field studies, and production analyses. Specific projects include the development of:
- Recommended practices and engineering guidelines for the use of proper materials, coatings and cathodic protection for the corrosion control of DoD assets
- Analysis of the impact of environmental regulations on material selection and production techniques with commensurate recommendations for environmentally acceptable preservation processes
- Analysis of the relationships between fielding of equipment and weapon systems, corrosion within these specific environments, and mean-time to maintenance based on field data collection
Elzly personnel have over 25 years of experience in these areas serving various DoD services, other Federal / State / Local Government agencies, and the private sector. A substantial amount of this background relates to:
- Inspections of and recommendations for improved corrosion control treatments for USMC, Army, and Navy weapons platforms
- Interface with the PEO / PM community in support of integration of materiel preservation requirements into acquisition programs in the most cost effective manner
- Review and analysis of improved products to implement corrosion control